Play as a father running a radio-mail confession service high in the clouds of Saturn. Work your transmitter to gather confessions and news from the orbit of Saturn and it's moons. Forgive those who you deem worthy. 

A game by silly and tarrem.


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This game should have a manual - and I am highly intuitive, so I was able to find out how to play it. But in my first attemt I approved the informational letter (work habit;)) and the rubber stamp dissapeared (bug?) so I have to restart the game. I liked very much that the approving had cosequences. After approval the acceptation of defeat, I was waiting when the partisans will arrest me (oh, author, add such a surprise in the game! ). But I was missing anything like a score, even the dreams did not told me if I done a good job. 

Fun 4 / 5, Art + Graphic 5 / 5 and let me say that the artworks was really realistic!:), Audio 3 (I liked the modem dial up sounds - yup I am that old) but the music from radio was just a short, simple instrumental song, replaying itself in a lazy loop. What about to compose some space shanties and randomzed their playing order?!:) Like this one: Song "Inner animals and outer space" by Ormrin Sinkalte Ged - Sparrowhawk ( - made by my life Partner. But Originaliy and Theme both 5 / 5 :).

Feel fry to try, rate and comment the game which I uploaded - made by my life Partner.